Optical test
Optical components such as micro-lenses, diffractive optical elements (DOE), meta optical elements (MOE) and micro lens arrays (MLA) are now largely used on consumer electronics and even more optical elements need to be integrated into smaller and smaller packages.
Nowadays mass-production industries key to success lies in increasing the yield by means of strongly automatized testing machines, with statistical analysis.
- High levels of accuracy, repeatability and flexibility
- Ease of use
- Compact design (small footprint)
- High UPH
- Fast time-to-market
Test and analysis
- Beam analysis and spectrum analysis
- Flange Focal Length
- Transmission
- Efficiency measurements
- Angular distribution
- Uniformity
Alfamation designs and manufactures state-of-art mass production testing machines and prototypes machines to provide rapid cycle time with low footprint. Our tailored systems based on customer requirements are suitable for either wafers or singulated devices testing, asserved by Pick&Place system when needed.