It is possible creating branches either from the main development flow ("trunk" in Subversions, "master" in Git) or from another branch. From a branched flow, it is possible to perform the same tasks as for a trunk/master main flow (Commit, Get Revision, etc.).
The merge task between branches is currently not supported natively in Supernova (the user needs to merge using an external tool such as TortoiseSVN or TortoiseGit)
SVN Library Update
SVN library included in Supernova has been updated to the latest version 1.14.
SVN is undergoing maintenance, so staying on recent libraries means improving stability.
If Supernova is upgraded, the old SVN repositories will be automatically upgraded by Supernova to this latest version: this means that these repositories cannot be reopened from the old version of Supernova.
As an external tool, we suggest TortoiseSVN in the latest version (the old one cannot work).